Colophon > The Preparation of Xenia and Transmutations 1 -4
The Preparation of Xenia and Transmutations 1 -4
2016, Personligt (group show), Gotlands konstmuseum.
The Preparation of Xenia is a larger hyper work that proceeded the work witht the red Xenia series, and the large red Father series, it has been used in different variations for various rituals. In The Preparation of Xenia and Transmutations 1 -4, as installed in the group show Personligt at Gotlands konstmuseum, in 2016, it included a series of objects and applications as well as the individual pieces Father (Diptych), Transmutation 1, Father (Pappa), Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger print (right thumb) and painted tapestry (diptych) and Transmutation 1, Mirrored Father (Speglad Pappa), Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger print (right thumb) and painted tapestry (diptych), the diptychs Transmutation 2, Pappa, Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger prints (right and left thumb), Transmutation 3, Pappa, Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger prints (right and left thumb), and Transmutation 4, Pappa, Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger prints (right and left thumb), and some Xenia paintings.
69 x 89 cm + 71 x 88 cm
Oil on canvas
Transmutation 1, Mirrored Father (Speglad Pappa), Ylva, Snöfrid, with finger print (right thumb) and painted tapestry (diptych)
69 x 89 cm + 71 x 88 cm
Oil on canvas
63 cm x 43 cm + 63 cm x 43 cm
Oil on canvas
63 cm x 43 cm + 63 cm x 43 cm
Oil on canvas
63 cm x 43 cm + 63 cm x 43 cm
Oil on canvas
Detail, Xenia #13, #22, #24, #27, #28
> The Preparations of Xenia (#3) in Diverse Variations of Other Spaces, Röda Sten
> The Preparations of Xenia (#2), in Imitatio Chirstie's (partoftheprocess6) Gallerya Zero
> Father (Pappa) 2013
> Father, Mirrored (Pappa, Speglad), 2014.
> Mirrored, Father, Mirrored (Speglad, Pappa, Speglad), 2014.