Colophon > Hyper Work > Master of Ceremonies, Mimi and Filiep, Conjures Forth Snöfrid (With the Idiot's Cross), and Master of Ceremonies, Delphine and Jan, Conjures Forth Snöfrid (With the Idiot's Cross)

Master of Ceremonies, (Mimi and Filiep), Conjurs Forth Snöfrid (With the Idiot's Cross), and Master of Ceremonies, (Delphine and Jan), Conjurs Forth Snöfrid (with the Idiot's Cross)
PASS (group show curated by Jan Hoot Junior, and Kris Martin) 
Wannegem 2015

Master of Ceremonies, (Mimi and Filiep), Conjurs Forth Snöfrid (With the Idiot's Cross), and Master of Ceremonies, (Delphine and Jan), Conjurs Forth Snöfrid (with the Idiot's Cross), are §two ritual pieces, two double-portrait trays, that can be used for rituals with substances and adherent objects to the pieces. In Wannegem a ritual with Master of Ceremonies, (Mimi and Filiep), Conjurs Forth Snöfrid (With the Idiot's Cross) was carried out with Nattlek, Les Contre Espaces, another riual piece, which is often used as the artist's studio. Les Contre Espace is a replica of a child tipi, a threedimentional painting, oil on canvas, with grey painted and sooted wooden staffs, and canvas ribbons (also oil on canvas).


Detail, Master of Ceremonies (Mimi & Filiep) Conjures Forth Snöfrid (Snöfrid’s Gold Distillate in bottle, The Idiot’s Blessed Water in glas jar, Candle, Candle holder, Matches, Measuring Glasses, Pipette and Glasses  for serving)
2012 -2015
47 x 38 cm + 47 x 38 cm
Foldable painting
Oil on canvas, Objects: Various dimensions
Detail, Master of Ceremonies (Delphine & Jan) Conjures Forth Snöfrid (Snöfrid’s Gold Distillate in bottle, The Idiot’s Blessed Water in glas jar, Candle, Candle holder, Matches, Measuring Glasses, Pipette and Glasses  for serving)
2012 -2015
47 x 38 cm + 47 x 38 cm
Foldable painting
Oil on canvas, Objects: Various dimensions
Detail, Master of Ceremonies (Mimi & Filiep) Conjures Forth Snöfrid (Snöfrid’s Gold Distillate in bottle, The Idiot’s Blessed Water in glas jar, Candle, Candle holder, Matches, Measuring Glasses, Pipette and Glasses  for serving)
2012 -2015
140 cm (hight) x 140 cm (diameter at base)
Tipi, oil on canvas
Oil on canvas





> Master of Ceremonies  Conjures Forth Snöfrid, Series